Bin the Bedroom Tax March Banned!

today there should be a “Bin the Bedroom Tax” march from George Square to the Lib Dem conference but it was banned by the Council.

I’m not sure of the reasons but I know there was a new procedure or policy introduced 3 years ago and they need to consider safety etc…..qute right too:-

So Ilooked on that bit of my council’s web site to see if there was any information….and I noticed that although the Bedroom Tax march is a no go there are a pile of “Orange District” and “Govan Flute Band” due the next few days!!

And I’ve never ever been impressed by “The Rising Star of Bridgton”

Sadly they have still allowed this lot to stumble around the city…..

Estimates say 80,000 people may be affected in Scotland and there is actually a huge mismatch in provision of accommodation so many families cannot avoid being sucked into this money sucking scheme.

Even at the most optimistic The Oranfe Order claims 50,000 members. They should have stood down or offered a dual walk!!!

Now that would be good….A Big Orange Band playing “This Old House”… we jive down the street!!!

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